Meet Pam & Jill,
the crazy team behind Zomara

Pam & Jill are a couple of misfits with a passion for animals and design.

Friends for more years than either of them would care to admit, they first met through their love of animals, when Pam was living in England.

So, why ‘Zomara’?

Well, we’ll blame that on Jill! She dreamed of building a website to display all sorts of unique designs that she loves to do, and, for some unknown reason, had a fascination with the letter Z. Having recently travelled around Northern Spain she had gone to a beautiful old town called Zamora, which got her design buds working in overtime. Unfortunately, Zamora was not available as a website, but Zomara was! So she grabbed it LOL!

Pam O’Loughlin

Pam’s an Irish country lass, who spent her childhood running around farms and countryside barefoot! While she’s still running around farms, at least she wears wellies now! Needless to say she loves the countryside and indeed all of nature’s wonders.

Jill Terry

Jill was born and bred in London, but was lucky enough to move to the country as a young teenager. She’s the techy type who, when she’s not wandering around the countryside gazing at nature’s beauty, is at her computer writing and drawing about it! She loves to write the code behind the website, and come up with new and fabulous designs to put on their products.

Where ideas and Art Collide in Unique Designs

Pam & Jill both have an extremely wide variety of interests – animals, nature, gothic, fantasy, science fiction – the list is endless! They needed somewhere to express themselves. Thus Zomara was born. Pam and Jill love what they do, and they both believe in good products and excellent service, and this is where they come in. They’re proud to share and spread their information, and proud of their designs, products and service. Every customer is important to them.